Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kona Site

Welcome to Hawaii Greenhouse, this blog is a humble attempt to explore the different theories, stages and practical experiences on sustainable living and Paulownia cultivation in Hawaii, other states in USA and worldwide.

As more information becomes available, I will progressively update this blog. Eventually I will post pictures about the different stages of the planting process. At the moment, I am displaying pictures that I took at spare times, while working on the Paulownia project in the Big Island.

Credits for planning and developing the "Paulownia Project" goes to Eric, Skyler, Mike and many others who are working on the solid aspects of environmental awarenesses.

Here are some pictures taken at "Kona Site", where a Paulownia cultivation project is in development. This is the stage one, where the greenhouses are being built and the first Paulownias are sprouting:

1 comment:

Leon & Maria Mosher said...

I'm curious how it's going? Trees matured yet?